Hypertension: Symptoms, Causes and Ayurvedic Treatment
Hypertension in Ayurveda is a Rakta Dhatu dosha but it is known as Shonita Dushti and not hypertension per se. According to the Ayurvedic text, symptoms of hypertension closely resemble many diseases described in Ayurveda. The symptoms of Sannipataj Unmad are almost the same as hypertension, Shiroruk (headache), Klama (fatigue), Anidra (insomnia) or Alp nidram (just 2-3 hrs sleep in a day), Bhrama (dizziness), Buddhi Sammoha (confusion) and Kampa (tremors). There can be an intensification of signs accompanied by even symptoms like Mada, murcha (swooning), and Sanyasa as well in cases of malignant hypertension.
Symptoms (Lakshanas) of hypertension in Ayurveda
Ayurvedic treatment attempts to establish a balance among Tridoshas, as well as to improve digestion and elimination of ama. Ayurvedic therapy often begins with Shodhana in which toxins are eliminated. Once Shodhana is completed, Shamana is used to reduce the intensity of a disease and balance the disordered Doshas. Finally, Rasayana is used to maintain health.
Ayurvedic Management of Hypertension
The Ayurvedic approach to treating high blood pressure is aimed at balancing the Tridoshas, harmonizing digestion, and eliminating Ama. The treatment generally consists of a 3-step process:
Hypertension Chikitsa ( Treatment) in Ayurveda
Home Remedies For High Blood Pressure, Ayurvedic Treatment Naturally
Physical Activity:
Salt Intake:
Ayurvedic Medicinal Herbs for Hypertension Blood Pressure
Adopting these dietary habits and practices in your lifestyle can lead to good management of blood pressure as well as improve overall health.