Other Treatment

  • Obesity (Sthaulaya)

    In Ayurvedic terms, Stauliya is a disorder that includes the deposit of fats in the human body leading to the accumulation of stool elements due to the Visitation of Dosha and Agni.

  • Sciatica

    Sciatica in Ayurveda is known as Gridhrasi and is considered to be a Vata Vyadhi, caused by the aggravation of Vata.

  • Piles

    Piles (Hemorrhoids)

    Piles/hemorrhoids are one of the most painful and troublesome diseases regarding the digestive system

  • PCOD

    According to Ayurveda, PCOD comes under the Santarpanjanya Vikaras (diseases caused by excess nourishment, such as improper Ahara (diet) and Nidra (sleep))


    In Ayurveda, hypothyroidism is a result of the aggressive Kapha dosha. It is that of kapha which when unbalanced causes metabolic and thyroid function problems as it is heavy


    Hypertension in Ayurveda is a Rakta Dhatu dosha but it is known as Shonita Dushti and not hypertension per se.


    In Ayurveda, Yakrit dalludara (Fatty Liver) refers to an increase in the size of the liver that is known as "Yakrit vridhi”.

  • Indigestion

    Ajeerna or indigestion is similar to a digestive disorder of the modern system. It is multifactorial and factors like wrong dietary habits.

  • Eczema

    Eczema, which is also called dermatitis, has general characteristics of being itchy and dry with patches that can sometimes ooze or bleed.

Bronchial Asthma: Ayurvedic Diagnosis, Symptoms, and Treatment

The Ayurvedic concept of bronchial asthma is very well explained in the Charaka Samhita with the name Tamaka Swasa. It is a part of the treatment in Swasa roga (asthma). Polyherbal combinations are claimed to be one of the most well-accepted modalities for the treatment of asthma.

In Ayurveda, swasa pranali i.e. respiratory system is broadly classified into five types Maha swasa, Urdhawa swas, Chinna swasa, Kshudra swasa, and Tamaka swasa.

Tamak Swasa: It is compared with Bronchial Asthma, in which the lungs are drowned or filled with a fluid (shleshmaka kapha) and causes obstruction of the airway or respiratory tract, especially the tracheal region, and affects its role in proper ventilation.


Pathya ahar for Tamak Shwasa includes items such as Madhu, Godhuma, Puran Sali, Mudga, Kulattha, Yava, Patola, Haridra, Adaraka, Lahasuna, Pipalli, Ushana Jal, and Aja Dugdha. On the other hand, certain foods and activities can worsen the condition, including Guru ahara, Ushna ahara, Masha, Tail bharjeet ahara, Sarshapa patra, Matasya, Sheet anavarana, Adra vayumandala, Mristhana, Sheet jal, Sangrahita bhojana, Dadhi, suppression of natural urges, excessive physical exertion, and exposure to smoke, dust, fumes, pollutants, and pollens.

Symptoms of Bronchial Asthma

Signs of bronchial asthma tend to vary for every individual, however, a few of the typical signs and symptoms consist of:


  • It is usually accompanied by a whistling sound that can be heard when breathing in and especially out.

Shortness of Breath

  • Shortness of breath, frequently with rapid breathing.

Chest Tightness

  • Chest pressure or discomfort that is painful.


  • A cough that lingers on (possibly worsening at night or in the early hours of the morning.


The present review represents more than 100 herbal, herbomineral, and mineral drugs being utilized in the Ayurvedic system of medicine, especially for relief from an attack or it can also be used to prevent future attacks.

  • Pathya Ahara: Madhu, Godhuma ,puran Sali, Mudga , Kulattha , Yava, Patola, Haridra, Adaraka, Lahasuna, Pipalli, Ushana Jal, Aja Dugdha etc.

  • Pathya Vihara: Ushna jal Avgahan, Ushna vasta dharan, Atapa sevana, Lavana, Swedana, Taila Abhyanga, Pranayama etc.

  • Apathya Ahara: Guru ahara, Ushna ahara, Masha , Tail bharjeet ahara, Sarshapa patra, Matasya, & Mristhana, Sheet jal, Sangrahita bhojana, Dadhi, Rukshya anna sewan, Sheetal jal paan, Atibhojan, etc.

  • Apathya Vihar: Can include things like – Dhumara pana, Dhuli, Sheeta vayu, Shita grih nivasa, Atimaithuna, Sheetal jal avgahan, Vaman atiyoga, Chakmana, Vega awarodha, Adhyasan, etc. Yogasana:-*Nadi Shodhan Pranayama


  • Nadi Shodhan Pranayama: Start with Nadi Shodhan Pranayama as the first to relax your mind and remove accumulated tension from the body. It is a curative remedy for many respiratory and circulatory problems.

  • Kapal Bhati: Kapala in Sanskrit means Skull, and Bhati means: “To Glow”. This wonderful energizing breathing exercise supplies sufficient oxygen to the brain and improves blood circulation leaving a calming effect on your mind. The increased blood circulation is beneficial + it cleanses all nadis (energy channels).

  • Ardha Matsyendrasana (Sitting Half Spinal Twist): Aids asthma by opening the chest and increasing oxygen supply to the lungs.

  • Pavanamuktasana (Wind Relieving Pose): This asana massages the belly organs, and will help digestion and gas release which is excellent for asthmatics.

  • Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose): It opens the chest and lungs, which in turn benefits our thyroid. It also is good for digestion and benefits those who suffer from asthma.

  • Bhujangasana (Position of the Cobra): This position is suitable for asthmatics as it opens the chest and helps to improve blood circulation in general.

  • Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose): This asana is good for asthma and sinusitis patients because it calms the mind and reduces stress.

  • Badhakonasana (Butterfly Pose): The Butterfly pose enhances and quickens blood passes, spins weakness out, and diminishes the discomfort of asthma.

  • Shavasana (Corpse Pose): End your yoga session by spending a few minutes on the floor in Corps! This asana brings about a grounded state in the body which revitalizes you.

Tamak swash is managed optimally but also if the exact diagnosis can be correct within the time, for which we get significant relief and different herbs as well Pathya sevana, yogasana brings highly good impact on the health of patients.

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