Bronchial Asthma: Ayurvedic Diagnosis, Symptoms, and Treatment
The Ayurvedic concept of bronchial asthma is very well explained in the Charaka Samhita with the name Tamaka Swasa. It is a part of the treatment in Swasa roga (asthma). Polyherbal combinations are claimed to be one of the most well-accepted modalities for the treatment of asthma.
In Ayurveda, swasa pranali i.e. respiratory system is broadly classified into five types Maha swasa, Urdhawa swas, Chinna swasa, Kshudra swasa, and Tamaka swasa.
Tamak Swasa: It is compared with Bronchial Asthma, in which the lungs are drowned or filled with a fluid (shleshmaka kapha) and causes obstruction of the airway or respiratory tract, especially the tracheal region, and affects its role in proper ventilation.
Pathya ahar for Tamak Shwasa includes items such as Madhu, Godhuma, Puran Sali, Mudga, Kulattha, Yava, Patola, Haridra, Adaraka, Lahasuna, Pipalli, Ushana Jal, and Aja Dugdha. On the other hand, certain foods and activities can worsen the condition, including Guru ahara, Ushna ahara, Masha, Tail bharjeet ahara, Sarshapa patra, Matasya, Sheet anavarana, Adra vayumandala, Mristhana, Sheet jal, Sangrahita bhojana, Dadhi, suppression of natural urges, excessive physical exertion, and exposure to smoke, dust, fumes, pollutants, and pollens.
Symptoms of Bronchial Asthma
Signs of bronchial asthma tend to vary for every individual, however, a few of the typical signs and symptoms consist of:
Shortness of Breath
Chest Tightness
The present review represents more than 100 herbal, herbomineral, and mineral drugs being utilized in the Ayurvedic system of medicine, especially for relief from an attack or it can also be used to prevent future attacks.
Tamak swash is managed optimally but also if the exact diagnosis can be correct within the time, for which we get significant relief and different herbs as well Pathya sevana, yogasana brings highly good impact on the health of patients.